Fear, an indulging emotion

Fear is a very indulging emotion if you think about it. It fuels your imagination to reach the worst possible destination only to leave you paranoid about something that hasn’t even happened. It plays you like a puppet- you are basking in the morning sun on a hilltop, you look down and feel your stomach summersault. You have never fallen off the cliff but your mind has already played out that scenario multiple times.

Would you dare to stand on the edge to witness the soothing view? The adrenaline rush would be great, sure.

It amuses me how an emotion, which is born inside of us, has the power to manipulate us. Sadness, happiness, and jealousy are overrated. Fear surges through our blood into every other emotion and decides the things we do and we don’t for us.

I am terrified of the sea. Just the thought of being engulfed by it even for tiny second wrenches my gut. I watch it reign through more than half a world, cackling like an empress while reducing to froth at the touch of your feet. With newfound exhilarating courage, I decided to meet the sea in her depths.

I was looking for answers but instead, I found metaphors. 

The sea vehemently mirrored
The light blue shade of sky
But on the shore, it foamed
Indeed, a miserably failed try

Waves of power pulsated
A familiar rhythm of daunt
As the evening sun shattered
Into the vast sea to haunt

Roaring waves now aligned
With her frantically racing heart
Her feet stood and staggered
The shore watched her part

A pint of bitter beer
An ounce of gallantry
Deciding to conquer fear
She finally met reality

Her empty eyes judged
The pattern of waves
But she didn't budge
And they didn't cave

Soon wallowed in the sea
Her feet lost the ground
The fear was set free
Returning home was bound

The tide threw her back
To where she belonged
The depths are pitch black
Your stay shouldn't be prolonged

Much like the depths of the sea, we hold so many insecurities and inhibitions inside us. We subject ourselves to this emotional turmoil for very long periods of time, maybe becoming too comfortable in this familiar venom. The confrontation has always been a trusted source of freedom but we tend to ignore them afterward. We overstay our welcome in the pitch black nothingness of our fears and uncertainties.
The ground we stand on can sometimes get wobbly or too rocky, or sometimes you won’t even be able to find it. But, you have to find it, you know?  Even the sea, so powerful and frightening, will throw you back to the reality you are supposed to exist in.
Confront. Understand. Return. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your thought process never ceases to amaze me 😘


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